Customer satisfaction survey solutions are meant to measure your customers’ level of satisfaction with the products and services you provide. We’ve got tips for you so you design a customer satisfaction survey that will give you the information you need to make your business even better. However, measuring how your company isn’t meeting customer expectations […]
14 Common Characteristics of an Entrepreneur
Entrepreneurs can come from all walks of life and economic backgrounds. They don’t always possess genius level IQs, and they don’t all have college educations. There is not a standard template that all of them must fit. But successful entrepreneurs do have some things in common. If you’re wondering if you have what it takes […]
Ways to Save Money When Starting up a Business
The recession has meant change for a lot of people. Redundancies and unemployment have been rife and caused many to rethink and change their career path. However some of this change has been for the best, with some people deciding to become their own boss. Many people believe you need a large amount of capital […]