As an alternative to providing wedding favor bags for your guests to bring their small gifts home in, you could order some Wedding favor boxes instead.
If you have delicate items that are going to be included in the gifts, such as a piece of wedding cake, or an oil filled candle, you would likely be better off going with a box to place everything in.
You don’t want any of the gifts to be damaged, as they are things that your guests would like to keep for a long time.
You can get boxes in a lot of different colours, and it would look great for the colour of the boxes to be different from the main wedding colours.
A robin’s egg blue box (like a Tiffany coloured box) would look wonderful along with having dark blue and silver as your colours.
Picture a box on the tables for each one of your guests and you can visualize just what an impact the color of the favor boxes would have on the room.
You could tie that same color in again with perhaps the ribbons on the wedding cake table or bows tied to each of the reception chairs.
Imagine all the color possibilities and you will begin to see your wedding décor come together to create a wonderful setting.