Looking for some simple tips for saving money at home? It’s not hard to pinpoint two areas where a lot of money goes. Cooking and cleaning are the two most time consuming and expensive activities in the house.
We often buy expensive cleaning products which we feel will save time on housework. We cook ready made fast food meals which we think will save time in the kitchen.
In fact, we are wasting money and time shopping for these items.
Sit back and think about how much money you are spending per month.
Better yet, track all of your expenses for a month. Add up how much you spend on cleaning supplies.
Do the same for any food purchases.
Is it a lot more than you thought it would be? How can you start reducing those bills?
Here are 5 very simple tips for saving money at home:
Cleaning Windows
Never mind expensive chemical window cleaning sprays. Use up what you have on hand now and then stop buying them. Use this instead.
Wash windows with a weak solution of vinegar (distilled white vinegar is best to use) and water. Wash with a chamois leather and dry off with rolled up newspaper.
In actually fact slightly damp scrunched and rolled up newspaper works great too on its own if you do not have a big window to clean.
LED Lighting
Use energy saving light bulbs everywhere you can! LED lights can be purchased to replace existing bulbs that use a lot more energy.
Replace a couple at a time if you must, because LED bulbs are more expensive up front. But they will cost much less to run in the long term.
Never Pay Full Price for Toilet Paper
Toilet paper is a necessity. As such, no one should ever find themselves without.
Buy it on sale; TP is often on sale for a great deal. Stock up at a good price and never run out.
That age old debate on how to put the toilet paper on the roll? Families squabble over stuff like this, right?
Always hang the toilet roll so that the paper rolls off down the front of the roll – a strange but true and tested fact, less paper is used this way!
Don’t believe me? Take a read….
Make your Oven work Double Time
Save money on electricity or gas costs when using the main oven, as the oven is very expensive to heat. When cooking a roast in the oven make sure the whole oven is full.
Cook extra potatoes in their skins for eating another day, make a fruit pie or crumble.
In fact, you can precook lots of things that you know you will eat later in the week or which can be frozen to eat later, e.g. a stew or casserole.
If you are a baker, make a big batch of pastry the day before or the morning of a planned roast beef dinner.
Leave it in the fridge wrapped tightly in cling film and then you can make your pies, tarts or whatever. At Christmas, traditional mince pies could be the order of the day! These are lovely with apple sauce and cream as a dessert too.
Buy a Slow Cooker or InstaPot
If you don’t have a slow cooker, get one! You can cook virtually anything in it and it is the cheapest way of cooking. Whatever meat or vegetable you put in will come out tender and very tasty.
Slow cookers are brilliant for busy people too whether you are out working all day or a very busy mom.
Take a look at this great slow cooker cook book. Ingredients can be prepared the night before and just put in all at once the next morning as you rush out to work or get the breakfast etc.
Looking for great money saving tips? Take a look at this!
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