Look into a Secret Account
Opening a savings account at a bank that you usually don’t use is one of the best ways to save some money. Call it a secret account, not because you are hiding it from your family, but because you are slowly transferring money into it each pay period. A few bucks this period, a bigger chunk next, and a few the period after that over the course of a year can make that account grow to a comfortable size by November. You may be able to open one of these “secret accounts”at the bank you already use, just be sure that you have it out of sight for the most part. If you use direct deposit, just throw a certain percentage of your check into that savings account each pay period, maybe 2% or so, and ensure that you can be a superhero as all of the family gatherings get started. You aren’t just saving to buy presents, but also food and decorations for each of the events that start in the last quarter of the year.
Cut Back for a Month
Once you get into October or November, you may be stressed about the total amount of money you need to have available as the holidays start to hit. If you haven’t been saving throughout the year start looking at your weekly budget for things you can cut back on that aren’t truly essential. If you tend to spend a few bucks a day on coffee and a snack at work, try to brown bag it for the next month. You’ll“suffer” a little bit, but the payoff will be worth it. Seeing how happy your children and other family members are with all of the gifts and the fancy foods you purchased and cooked for them makes this short time of cut backs absolutely worth it.
Shop Smart
Certain gifts are going to be extremely hard to find. Seasonal foods are going to be more expensive around the holiday that they are used most. Try to start finding these things a month or so ahead of the normal rush in late October and through November. Most food that you’ll purchase can be saved in one way or another for at least a month safely. The hard to find toys can be purchased well in advance of the holidays and you won’t need to compete. You can probably even find them cheaper through deal based websites or Ebay, just don’t wait until the last minute to try to pick them up, that is when the prices are going to spike and you’ll literally pay for waiting.
Connie G. is a writer for HowDoIBe.com. If you are wondering where you can get a higher paying career, take a look at this site today.
Read more tips for Saving Money at Christmas